Species: Rats and Mice
Organ: Pancreas
Localization: Left lobe
Number of sections: 1
Direction: Longitudinal horizontal
Remarks: A cut surface as large as possible




The left lobe of the pancreas represents a major part of pancreatic tissue being located close to the spleen in the greater omentum. For trimming, the whole left lobe is removed and fixed. A large part of the left lobe is taken and embedded, in order to achieve a cut surface as large as possible. The right lobe is removed together with the adjacent small intestine.

See also:
      Small intestine

Eustis SL, Boorman GA (1997) Embryology, histology and ultrastructure of the exocrine pancreas. In: Jones TC, Popp JA, Mohr U (eds) Monographs on pathology of laboratory animals. Digestive system, 2nd edition. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 257–267
Popesko P, Rajtova V, Horak J (1992) A colour atlas of the anatomy of small laboratory animals, Vol. 2. Wolfe Publishing, Bratislava, pp 11–104
Rubarth (1958) Leber und Gallenwege. In: Cohrs P, Jaffe R, Meessen H (eds) Pathologie der Laboratoriumstiere. Springer, Berlin Göttingen Heidelberg, pp 155–175

Guidelines overview
Pancreas +++++++
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