Species: Rats and Mice
Organ: Spleen
Localizations: At largest extension
Option: whole organ
Number of sections: 1
Direction: Transverse
Option: longitudinal horizontal (not shown in the image)


Spleen (H: hilus).

A transverse section is made at the largest extension of the organ, showing red and white pulp. This plane of section guarantees the presence of all relevant anatomical structures and hallmarks of the white pulp, e.g. PALS (periarteriolar lymphatic sheath), marginal zone and follicles.

See also:

Dijkstra CD, Veerman AJP (1990) Spleen. Structure and function. Normal anatomy, histology, ultrastructure, rat. In: Jones TC, Ward JM, Mohr U, Hunt RD (eds) Monographs on pathology of laboratory animals. Hemopoietic system. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 185–193
Kuper CF, De Heer E, Van Loveren H, et al. (2002) Immune system. In: Haschek WM, Rousseaux CG, Wallig MA (eds) Handbook of toxicologic pathology, 2nd edition, Vol 2. Academic Press, San Diego New York Boston, pp 585–646
Kuper CF, Harleman JH, Richter-Reichelm HB, Vos JG (2000) Histopathologic approaches to detect changes indicative of immunotoxicity. Toxicol Pathol 28: 454–466
Schuurman HJ, Kuper CF, Vos JG (1994) Histopathology of the immune system as a tool to assess immunotoxicity. Toxicology 86: 187–212
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2002) Guidance for industry. Immunotoxicology evaluation of investigational new drugs

Guidelines overview
Spleen +++++++
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