Species: Rats and Mice
Organs: Skeletal muscle
Peripheral nerve
Localizations: Biceps femoris muscle
Sciatic nerve
Number of sections: 3 (2)
Direction: Skeletal muscle: longitudinal and/or transverse
Sciatic nerve: longitudinal; optional: transverse
Remarks: Muscle and nerve are sampled separately
Optional: skeletal muscle and sciatic nerve sampled attached to each other.
Longitudinal and transverse sections in one cassette.
If only one sample of muscle is processed, a transverse section is preferred.

Preparation of skeletal muscle and sciatic nerve from the hind leg.

Skeletal muscle and sciatic nerve, transverse and longitudinal horizontal sections.

Muscle in situ, option.

Skeletal muscle, longitudinal section.

Skeletal muscle, transverse section.

Sciatic nerve, longitudinal section.

If skeletal muscle and sciatic nerve are sampled together, the gracilis, adductor, semimembranous and semitendinous muscles are removed from the medial aspect of the thigh to get access to the sciatic nerve running along the medial surface of the biceps femoris muscle. The sample is taken by proximal and distal transverse cuts. After fixation, transverse and longitudinal sections are prepared.

The sciatic nerve can be fixed on a card board, if not sampled together with muscle.

See also:

McGavin MD (1991) Procedures for morphological studies of skeletal muscle, rat, mouse, and hamster. In: Jones TC, Mohr U, Hunt RD (eds) Monographs on pathology of laboratory animals. Cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 101–108
Popesko P, Rajtova V, Horak J (1992) A colour atlas of the anatomy of small laboratory animals. Vol. 2. Rat, mouse, golden hamster. Wolfe Publishing, Bratislava, p 89

Guidelines overview
Peripheral (sciatic) nerve ++ ++++
Skeletal muscle ++  +++
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